Agency: Erwin Penland
Art Director, Illustrator, and Animator (for this content): Justin Gammon
Deliverable: Concepts, Illustrations, and GIF Animations
2014 One Show
2014 Mashies
2014 National Addys
2014 Shortys Finalist
Denny’s Tumblr Prevails
Named Number One Brand on Tumblr
Denny’s Tumblr celebrates the unique and bizarre, and culture that thrives on Tumblr every single day. Denny’s takes things up a notch by creating distinctive and authentic daily content to celebrate its food and its fans. So much so, in fact, they aren’t ever truly sure if its a real Denny’s corporate account. This proves we are doing our jobs. Tumblr has stated Denny’s is the number one brand on Tumblr in terms of Community Engagement.